Showing posts with label human hair bundles with closure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human hair bundles with closure. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

How to Prolong the Life of the Human Hair Bundles with Closure?

    Hi there, is Meetu Hair here. We find that the human hair bundles with closure are still the choice of most people. But how to take care of the human hair bundles with closure to prolong the life span is still one of the most frequently asked questions. Here are our tips for you. 

How to Prolong the Life of the Human Hair Bundles with Closure?| Meetu Hair
How to Prolong the Life of the Human Hair Bundles with Closure?| Meetu Hair

    Tip 1: When you receive your lace closure with bundles, please do not wear it up without washing and conditioning. You may think that it looks pretty when you first receive it, so it does not require extra care, and you wear it after taking it from the box. However, wig experts recommend washing and conditioning before wearing the wig. It can remove the residue on the hair and provide more moisture to the hair. The hair can stay healthy for a longer time.

    Tip 2: When brushing your human hair bundles or closures, be sure to be gentle. We know sometimes you are in a hurry, and you would push your hair fast, but this would not work, except causing the hair to shed like crazy. So be kind to them. Slowly brush them out, be careful and take your time, and we promise you your hair is going to last longer that way. A wide-tooth comb or a wig brush is a perfect choice for detangle the knots out of the hair.

    Tip 3: Whether makes the hair bundles with closure into a wig or sewn-in. When it comes to heat and styling your hair, we always try to preserve the hair. A heat protectant is really to help keep your hair healthy because it acts as a barrier. Therefore, if you are going to use ironing or hair straightener on your hair, spray some of the heat protectants on your hair which can help reduce damage to the hair. Also, we suggest you use less heat on your hair as much as possible.

    Tip 4: Dry shampoo will become your best friend. The reason is that the less touching and pulling and washing that you can do to your hair bundles with closure, they're going to last longer. 

    Tip 5: Wash the human hair bundles with closure regularly. It does not mean that we have no need to wash our bundles with closure, dry shampoo only helps to wash your hair less often, but we also need to clean and deep condition them to keep them healthy and last longer. 

    Tip 6: Air-dry the hair as much as possible. Using blow dry on the human hair will make it much easier to get frizzy, especially for wavy hair bundles with closure. So if you are not in a hurry, let it air dry as much as possible.

    These are our tips for you. We hope it helps prolong the life of your human hair bundles with closure. Buy the most affordable human hair bundles with closure, please visit Here is a special $16 coupon for you, coupon code:blog16. I hope you enjoy your shopping in Meetu Hair. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

How to Keep Your Sew-In Weave Fresh and Itch-Free?

     Hi there, welcome back to Meetu Hair. Are you suffering from itch while wearing sew-in human hair weaves? Today, we will talk about how to take care of your sew-in and protect your natural hair underneath, specifically for relaxed or transitioning hair. If you want to know the tips and tricks on how to take care of sew-in, keep on reading.

How to Keep Your Sew-In Weave Fresh and Itch-Free?| Meetu Hair
How to Keep Your Sew-In Weave Fresh and Itch-Free?| Meetu Hair

    Taking care of your natural hair underneath the weave is as vital as taking care of your leave out. Wear a weave is a protective style, which means that you are doing it to give it a break and grow, but it also means you have to take care of the hair underneath to make sure that it can grow properly. 

     Firstly, We want to talk about your leave out. Do not try to use hair straightener too much, especially if you are using straight hair. If you are using a curling weave, it is a lot easier because you can twist or braids outs. But if you are wearing straight hair, try to blow dry your hair as soon as possible.

    We recommend using a round brush to blow-dry your hair. It looks way better than just using a blow dryer or using the brush attachment. If you can, try to blow-dry it as straight as possible so that when you are doing with the straightener, you only have to run through it once. Due to weather or other reasons, your hair may look a bit ratcheted, and the roots are starting to curl, then you can do it again.

    Now, we are going to talk about the natural hair underneath. There are so many challenges to washing your hair. Many people are struggling with shampoo their sew-in weaves. Here are some tips for you.

    The shampoo cleanses and detoxes without stripping your hair from its natural oils. We should wash our human hair weaves at least twice a week to keep it fresh and Itch-free. The conditioner prevented your human hair weave from matting, breaking, and dryness. If you are wearing a wavy weave, you must deal with a lot, especially the dryness and the breakage. So don’t forget to use the conditioner every washing day to keep your hair moisturize and healthy.

    When it comes to how to wash the sew-in weaves, this will be different for everyone. What should be stressed is that we need to get the shampoo to the root of your hair to wash your natural hair and scalp. But we only need to place the conditioner on the hair tip, do not put it on the root. When using the conditioner, wrap up your hair with a shower cap, wait for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse off. 

    The shampoo is the essential way to keep your sew-in human hair weaves fresh and Itch-free. Conditioner is the product that helps to keep your hair healthy. We hope you all find this guide helpful. Do you want to buy the cheapest human hair weaves or human hair wigs? Please visit to order it. Now here is a special 16 coupon for our blog subscriber, coupon code: BG16. 

Tips You Need to Know about Human Hair Weave!

     Hey, beauties, this is Meetu Hair, we are back with another blog, and this one is some tips about human hair weaves. If you are fond of human hair bundles or human hair bundles with closure, we are sure you need to know them. We collected all these tips through Google and our resources. We hope you enjoy it.

Tips You Need to Know about Human Hair Weave!| Meetu Hair
Tips You Need to Know about Human Hair Weave!| Meetu Hair

    Tip 1: If it hurts your head while doing your hair at a hair salon, get out and do not go there anymore. Of course, the track should be firm, but it should not give you headaches and pull your hair.

    Tip 2: Some people are confusing how to wash and maintain their sew-in weaves. It is easy to clean the weaves like you are washing your natural hair. Be sure to shampoo all up in the roots, make sure it is seeping, and all the crevices of the hair scrubbing, and you can even let it sit in there a little bit if you feel like it is not up in there, and then rinse it out.

    Tip 3: Do not forget to condition your sew-in weaves as well as your natural hair. Deep treatments make the hair last longer and look a lot better.

    Tip 4: You can use heat on your human hair weave, but please remember do not to overdo it with the heat. We do not recommend you to do heat on the hair every single day. As we all know, the heat will cause damage to our hair.

    Tip 5: Oiling the hair is necessary since we do not want any breakage or dry scalp. You can use olive oil, coconut oil, any oil that nourishes your hair. Do not forget to oil your baby hair and your edges as well. 

    Tip 6: Make sure to give your sew-in weave a break. Taking breaks is the best for your hair. It does promote a lot of hair growth, also going to relieve a lot of breakages. If you see a lot of breakages when you take out of the weave, that means you need to give your hair more breaks.

   Tip 7: Avoid using glue adhesive on your human hair weave. Using glue adhesive on the weave is not healthy, and gluing weaves will rip your hair out. If you have to use glue on your weave, do not leave it in too long.

    Tip 8: Shape the hair is something that many people will not do. It is suitable for all types of hair textures, but it works much better on wavy hair. Some layers on the curly hair will make it looks much better. And most people do not like slicked-down hair. So you can learn how to add some layers to your hair. 

    Tip 9: Trim your hair when it is necessary. Sometimes the ends of the hair are not protected, and it will tend to break off. So be sure to know you can trim your ends to maintain health in your hair.

    Tip 10: Protecting your hair with scarves and covering it up when sleeping. Wrap your hair and cover it up with scarves helps to maintain the beauty of the hair.

    Tip 11: A wide-toothed comb is your BFF. Always use a wide-tooth comb, especially if you got a curly hair wig. The wide wide-tooth comb will help you to detangle all the knots on the hair.

    Tip 12: Last but not least, learn to love your natural hair. We should take care of the sew-in weave on our heads, but most importantly, learn how to love your hair and work with your hair before you try to work with anything else.

    We hope you all have learned something from this blog, and don’t forget to subscribe. Now, we provide our subscribers with a special coupon of $16, coupon code: BG16. Please visit to buy cheap human hair wigs and human hair weaves. More surprise discounts are waiting for you!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Why Your Wig Did Not Fit You?

     Hi, this is Meetu Hair. We know that sometimes you put in a lot of effort to make a wig look good, but sometimes it will not work. Even some small things can make the wig not fit us anymore. For example, the lace wig is too tight on our heads, the wig is sliding off, or the wig is just not laying naturally, which is so annoying. Today, we will share why this may be happening and some tips and tricks to help you work out these issues.

Why Your Wig Did Not Fit You?

    The main reason why your wig did not fit you is the surrounding construction of the wig. The wig size is the most vital thing we need to pay attention to. First, be sure to know your head size before buying a wig. Make sure you get accurate measurements around the circumference and choose the suitable wig size for your head. If you want to customize the wig with human hair bundles with closure by yourself, be sure to use the appropriate size mannequin head. Otherwise, your wig will not fit you properly.

    The second thing that we need to consider is the wig cap. There are different sizes of wig caps. Try to buy a one-size-fits-all wig cap, or if there are different sizes, like small, medium, and large, try getting a medium or even getting a large one. Because if you get a large one when you sew it onto the wig cap, it may shrink a little bit. 

    Make sure you are getting the correct wig cap. Some wig caps are not supposed to use to make wigs. If you don’t know which one to choose, we suggest selecting the simple dome cap wig cap. It is one of the regular ones, and it is super affordable. Or you can go to the beauty supply store and ask which wig cap is suited for making a wig.

    The next is sewing. Usually, it takes a lot of time sewing or gluing the bundles with closure into a wig, but it did not always fit us, which will be a waste of time. Here are some tips for you to make the wig more perfect. We are not supposed to sew through the entire wig cap. Usually, the wig cap is two-layer, so we should sew through the first layer of the wig cap. Besides, please do not sew on the elastic band, which will make it fit you more.

    Another reason your wig is not lying flat on your head is you did not create a flat base underneath the wig. Before wearing a wig, we need to prepare our hair and braid it into some braids, which will make it look more natural and safe.

    That’s why your wig did not fit you perfectly, and all my tips for you. We hope you find this guide helpful. Now Meetu Hair has a special $16 coupon for you, coupon code: BG16. If you plan to order a cheap human hair wig, please visit to select your favorite wig.

Friday, August 27, 2021

How to Properly Watercolor Your Bundles and Closures?

     Hi, there. Are you want to dye your human bundles and closure into the color that you like? So in this blog, we will demonstrate how to tint your bundles and closure properly using the watercolor method. You can use any hair, but this method will work better on blonde hair. Therefore, we recommend using blond hair because it does not require bleaching and doing those extra steps. If you need, you can visit our official website to get blonde human hair bundles with closure. If you already have black hair bundles with closure, you can lighten your hair into blonde and then use this method.

    This process will take about 20 minutes, you can dye it to any color you want, and the results were excellent. If you are interested, keep on reading.

How to Properly Watercolor Your Bundles and Closures?| Meetu Hair
How to Properly Watercolor Your Bundles and Closures?| Meetu Hair

    Products used: Human hair bundles with closure, two boxes of water dye products, a container to use for hair dye and water mixture, and hot water.

    Step 1: We need two boxes of hair dye. While the water begins to boil, it is time to prepare the hair dye products. Remember, we need to follow the instruction of the hair color product that we choose. Some dye products need to be mixed to work, while some products can be added directly to the water and color the hair, follow the instruction.

    Step 2: Put enough water in there to fill up your hair dye container gently, for about a third of the way. 

    Step 3: Next, pour hair dye into the hot water, and take something to mix the hair dye well with water. You can use a regular plastic whisk to make sure there are no chunks of color in there. 

    Step 4: After mixing the dye well, place the human hair bundles under the water while the water is still hot. Do not put the bundled-up hair into the water. Don’t put the bundled-up hair into the water, we should separate all of the bundles before put it into the water so we can get color on every strand evenly.

    Step 5: Place the closure in the water after all the bundles get ducked in the water. We know you are probably scared to do this. We don't know the science is behind this water-coloring hair dye technique is, but it does not stay in your lace. Trust us, do not worry. Go ahead and submerge the lace closure into the water with the rest of your bundles. Let it all sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, rinse the hair out with cool to lukewarm water. Make sure to keep it cool so we can seal the hair and the dye stays. 

    Step 5: Finally, we need to shampoo and condition the human hair bundles and closure. Then we can get all the chemicals off. Use a general conditioner to moisture the hair so your hair won't get crunchy and tangles very easily. 

    That is all the steps to watercolor the bundles and closure. If you find it hard to achieve, You can also purchase the colored wig or colored bundles with closure in Meetu Hair. We supply the highlight color hairblond hair, 99j burgundy color hair, and ginger color hair. We also have a sale on colored hair now. Once you order the colored hair in Meetu Hair, you can take advantage of discounted prices.

Why Do So Many People Like The Water Wave Hair?

     Hi, there, it is Meetu Hair. Water wave hair sold like the hot cakes in the last season. This blog is going to show you why so many people are fond of water wave hair. If you are still hesitant to buy it, keep on reading, then you can make your decision.

Why Do So Many People Like The Water Wave Hair?| Meetu Hair
Why Do So Many People Like The Water Wave Hair?| Meetu Hair

The features of the water wave hair

    As the name suggests, water wave curl is like the shape of water ripple on the water, and the water wave hair is silk and soft, like the flowing water. The water wave curls are less regular and do not in one direction. It is similar to the natural hair of African American women, which brings volume to the hair and looks puffy without the wet look method.

Why is water wave hair is so pop?

    1. First, the water wave hair is puffy, so it is the perfect go-to hair for the summer. The breathability must be the number one consideration when buying a human hair wig during the hot summer, so that is why you see so many people wearing the water wave hair or curly hair during hot days. The puffy hair will make the wind pass through your hair and into your scalp, making it more breathable and helping you feel less stuffy.

    2.Water wave hair resembles the natural hair of African American women. They can blends well with their natural hair, so they look like the natural hair growing from the scalp.

    3. For some people who have never worn a water wave hair wig, possibly do not think it is easy to style the hair as it looks so big and full. However, water wave hair is not as hard to styling as you might think. It does not take a lot of effort to get this hair to look good. All you have to do is spraying some water into your hair to make it look wet. A very minimal effort will make the hair gorgeous, and it will give you a charming look.

    4. What is next? Although the water wave hair needs much care compared to the bone straight hair, the water wave hair is not unmanageable. We have lots of hair care tips for you in our previous blog. If you still don’t know how to take care of the water wave hair, you can check it. With the proper maintenance, the high-quality water wave hair wigs of Meetu Hair can last for about a year. You can reuse it many times. Do not waste any of your coins.

    That is all for this blog. If you want to purchase cheap water wave hair wigs or water wave hair bundles, please visit to get more information. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

How Many Bundles Do You Need For A Full Head Of Hair? How Many Bundles Do You Need For A Full Head Of Hair? 

     This blog is highly requested. How many bundles do I need for a full head of hair? We cannot tell you how many times I get this question. Lots of people are wondering how many bundles they need for a full head look. Therefore, we are writing this blog to answer your questions.

How many bundles do you need for a full head of hair?| Meetu Hair
How Many Bundles Do You Need For A Full Head Of Hair? | Meetu Hair

How many bundles do you need?

    First, we will start with the bundles. Generally, the length of the human hair bundles ranges from 8 inches to 40 inches. But now, it's hard to find a company that goes up to 40 inches, only because 40 inches is extra expensive, and almost no one would buy 40 inches hair bundles. There are typically bundles that start at 12 inches and go already up to 30 inches. 

    Usually, each human hair bundles are the same weight, whatever the length is. So the shorter hair bundles will be the thicker. The 8 inches of human hair bundles are the thickest. If you want a bob look, 8 inches to 16 inches is the length ideal. For the hair length under 16 inches, 2 human hair bundles are enough. 

    When the length of bundles is over 16 inches, you need to get three bundles. If you want to get a layered look, you can order like 14, 16, and 18, three bundles.

    When you get past 22 inches virgin hair bundles, what is you start getting worried about. If you like the long hair over 22 inches, we would suggest getting four bundles so it could be full. 

    When you want to get the long bundles, and the length is like 22 24 26 28, we would suggest doubling up on your longest length because it will look full at the bottom. If the 28 inches is your longest length among the hair bundles, which means it is your thinnest length, so you need to have that extra thickness at the back, you won't be walking around with thin bundles in that way. It would be better to get 24, 26 with two 28 inches bundles to make it look full all along down to the bottom.

How many bundles do you need with frontal?

    If you have a frontal, you don’t need as many bundles, only because a frontal covers the majority of the top part of your head. If you want to get a normal look, two bundles with frontal are enough for under 18 inches hair, and for over 18 inches hair, you will need three bundles with frontal.

How many bundles do you need with closure?

    A lace closure is smaller than a lace frontal. But with closure, you can protect your hair better, so closure with bundles is the most pop choice for people. These are standard for how many bundles you need with a closure, two bundles for 12 inches, three bundles for 14 inches to 22 inches, and four bundles for over 24 inches hair for a full head hair.

    Meetu Hair supplies virgin human hair bundles with closure in packs, from two bundles with closure to four bundles with closure, makes it easier for you to pick out what you want. Want more information? Please visit to learn more. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

How to keep the water wave hair moisturized in between wash days?

     It's Meetu Hair. This blog will show you how to keep the water wave hair moisturized throughout the week in between wash days. 

How to keep the water wave hair moisturized in between wash days| Meetu Hair
How to keep the water wave hair moisturized in between wash days?| Meetu Hair

    Step 1: First, take a spray bottle to damp the water wave hair, not a lot but just enough to where we can apply the product, spray at where we need to. Spray at the root of the hair because that's where we are getting the most top frizz, then spray a little bit of water at the ends to make it not completely dry. 

    Step 2: Take a thinner consistency leave-in conditioner to smooth throughout the water wave hair. We suggest using a thinner consistency leave-in conditioner so that you do not need to use these original products on washing. You can still use it for your moisturizing routine because they're so light, and they work well with other products. You can also use this on wash day and then refresh during the week with these products, which will help the hair constantly moisturize.

    It is best to rub it with your hands before applying, and it will emulsify and activate the product.

    Step 3: Take a curl-defining creme. Rub a little bit on the hands to warm it up, and then apply it to the hair. We recommend smoothing starting from the ends working with the way up because ends get the frizzy affairs for the most time. We also need to focus on the back where we do get a lot of frizz as well.

    Step 4: Concentrate some of the cremes on the edges where getting frizzy fast. Apply some creme on the hair at the front, push the roots back, and then smooth the top back. Hair won't be glued to the front of our heads In that way. 

    Step 5: The last thing we need to do is shake out the roots. Put the head over, and shake the roots, so the water wave hair does not dry flat. And since the hair is damp, wait for about five to ten minutes to let it dry.

    We hope you like this guide. It is worth trying if your hair is not lasting until your next wash day. Do this will help to keep your hair moisturize and healthier. 

    If you are searching for cheap water wave hairMeetu Hair is the ideal hair vendor for you, which water wave hair sale is ongoing. What are you waiting for?

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Can old lace closure and bundles be reused again?

     Hey, dolls, this is Meetu Hair. Even though human hair wigs are so pop because of their convenience, lace closure with bundles are still has a large market share, which won't out of style for a long time. Today, we will work on Is the human hair bundles with closure are worth the hype? Whether the lace closure and bundles can reuse or not?

Can old lace closure and bundles be reused again?| Meetu Hair
Can old lace closure and bundles be reused again?| Meetu Hair

    Human hair bundles with closure are also versatile as the human hair wig. We can use it to create a lace closure wig or sew it into our braids. Besides, you can also add the human hair bundle to your thin hair wig to add volume.

    Can closure with bundles be reused again? It is one of the issues that people are most concerned about. Normally, it can be reused, but it will take lots of our time and effort. Because we need to remove all of that bundles. It also depends. If you damage the weft in the sew-in, then when you remove it from your hand, it will break up, and become messy, so that it will not be able to be reused. 

How to revamp old bundles and closure? 

    If you want to revamp an old lace closure or reuse some old bundles from a wig, you have to remove it first. So first of all, we need to find out the entrance off, then gently take the bundles and closure apart with the scissor. The lace part is so thin and frail and easy to tear, so you should be more patient when taking it. It can’t be reused once it is torn off.

    Once remove all of the bundles and then fold them up and detangle the hair from bottom to top. As for the closure, just spread it out and brush the hair to get all the knots off. 

    When we get mainly all the knots off the hair. It’s time to washing the human hair bundles and closure. First, shampoo the hair to get all the dirt away. This is an essential step because only clean hair can show a healthy shine. Please do not forget to use conditioner after shampoo because conditioner helps to rehydrate the hair bring it back to life.

    Then we need to do is just let the hair air dry. Don’t forget to put on some oil or leave-in conditioner to lock in the water in the hair. It’s an optional step for straight hair. But for curly hair, we highly recommend you do that. After all of the steps, then we can reuse the human hair bundles. 

    Thanks for reading this blog, and we hope you find this guide helpful. You are not expected to the hair can reuse forever, so the service life of the human hair bundles is limited even under the proper maintenance. If you are interested in checking out some cheap human hair bundles with closure or human hair wig, please visit to get more information. Surprise discounts are waiting for you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Why are human hair bundles with closure perfect for you?

     There is no doubt that human hair wigs have brought great convenience to people. However, many people still choose to purchase bundles with closure when facing so many choices of wigs. Why? If you want to find out why it is so pop, keep on reading, we will show you in this blog.

Why are human hair bundles with closure perfect for you| Meetu Hair
Why are human hair bundles with closure perfect for you?| Meetu Hair

What are human hair bundles with closure?

About human hair bundles

    A bundle of hair means a pack of hair. The term "hair bundle" is used to describe virgin human hair. The hair collected from the donor is usually bundled together and then sewn on the weft, so it is named hair bundle or hair weave.

About lace closure

    The lace closure is a small hairpiece that we can put on the top of the head to create a realistic look. To look more natural, most people would use a lace closure while sew-in or create a lace closure wig themself by using lace closure with bundles. 

    Meetu Hair supplies mainly two types of lace closure, 4x4 lace closure,5x5 lace closure. We provide you with 2 bundles with closure3 bundles with closure, also 4 bundles with closure, so you can easily choose according to your liking.

What's the benefit of using human hair bundles with closure?

Provide a natural appearance

    If you are looking for a seamless install, the lace closure is perfect for you. We offer various types of lace which can blend well with your scalp, no matter what complexion you are. In the case of Swiss lace, which is so thin and almost invisible. Besides, you don’t have to worry about blending issues because there is no need to blend with a lace closure. We provide lace closure which is easy to sew down flat and without the typical line of demarcation. Once it is installed correctly, it will give you a look that the hair is growing from your scalp.

Provides freedom of hairstyle

    As we all know, some hairstyles are limited when styling because of the texture and the quality of hair. But the human hair bundles with closure will give you so much choice when you want to style your hair. You are able to create a part where you want with the lace closure.

More suitable size 

    When purchasing already made wigs from the online store, sometimes, you may get the wrong size wig, which will make you feel uncomfortable. If you order lace closure with bundles to make a wig, you can customize it according to your head size. So if you have a small head or big head, bundles with closure will be your ideal choice. 

Protect your hair

    We are always looking for ways to protect our natural hair. The lace closure, which will protect our hair from damage. Because our natural hair is covered by lace mesh. While doing a hairstyle, it is not styling your natural hair, so those styling chemicals can not damage your natural hair, will not cause hair loss.

    Thanks for reading, that’s all for this blog. If you want to purchase cheap human hair bundles with closure, why not go to Meetu Hair official? You can enjoy a surprise discount on all products in our store, besides, extra discount for water wave hair. What are you waiting for?

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Weaves Tips You Need To Know!

Weaves tips you need to know
Weaves Tips You Need To Know!| Meetu Hair

     Hey, beauties, if you are fond of human hair weaves or hair bundles with closure, this blog will help you. Today, we will share you with some weaves tips that you need to know. 

    Tip 1: Before you get your weave, you need to condition your natural hair. Ensure that your hair is taken care of, moisturize and strengthen before you put it in hiding underneath that weaves. 

    Tip 2: Lots of people don't know how many bundles they should buy. It all depends on the length of the hair. The longer the hair, the more bundles you need. Because each hair bundle is 100g, and the hair is longer, it is heavier as well as the density of the bundles does get thinner. If you are getting inches between 8 to 16 or even 18 inches, you only need two to three bundles with closure, but if you're going above 18 inches, you will need about three or four bundles with closure. 

    Tip 3: When installing, if it gives you a headache or you feel your hair is getting pulled out, that's not a good thing. You need to tell your hairstylist to stop. You feel pain, so it means that either your braids are too tight or they sew your tracks in too tight, which will lead to tension and breakage of your hair. Tension alopecia, you haven't heard of that? That's the constant tension of hair on your scalp, and that is sometimes not even reversible. 

    Tip 4: Don't neglect your natural hair, which is significant. You need to protect your natural hair all the time. Wash your natural hair while it's installed as well as your weaves. You can wash your hair while it's installed, don't forget washing your natural hair, which can lead to your real hair becoming dry and breaking.

    Tip 5: Don't overuse heat on your natural hair or extensions because it will damage the hair and get bare. Especially your natural hair, they can not handle the heat, and it will cause even more breakage and more damage to your natural hair and weaves. It doesn't mean hardly use heat at all, but do not do it every day. Also, you can learn how to achieve heat-free styles on your hair to achieve different curl types. 

    Tip 6: Usually, human hair bundles with closure will give you the most natural look, but if you don't plan on wearing a closure. Make sure that the hair that you choose to install it's pretty similar to your natural hair. If you want to get a texture of hair that doesn't match your natural hair, then get closure. That's what closures are for. 

    Tip 7: Avoid using glue in weaves because it's not easy to take them down properly. For the most time, it will pull your hair out with it. That causes damage to your hair. If you want no hair, then go ahead.

    Tip 8: Wedon't recommend putting products on your weaves, except curly hair. You can put a little bit of conditioner in your wavy hair to moisture it, but with straight hair, it is not recommended to put the excessive product on it because that's only going to weigh your hair down and cause it to get dirty faster.

    Tip 9: Don't leave your installs in for more than two months. It can be so damaging while it has been installed for a long time. Your hair will start to become entangled in the thread and the webs of the track.

    Tip 10: Give your hair a break between installs. Even if your hair isn't braided tight or anything, it's still constant tension on your hair, then your hair is going to react negatively to that, and it can also lead to tension alopecia. So please let your hair breathe, wear it out a little bit.

    Tip 11: Last but not least, don't purchase bad-quality hair bundles to save your money. If you don't know where to buy high-quality human hair weaves or human hair bundles with closureMeetu Hair will be your ideal vendor. We have our own hair factory, so we are sure that all the weaves are made of virgin human hair at an affordable price.

    Now, there is back to school sale in Meetu Hair. Once you purchase hair from, you can enjoy a surprise discount.

    Tip 1: Before you get your weave, you need to condition your natural hair. Ensure that your hair is taken care of, moisturize and strengthen before you put it in hiding underneath that weaves. 

    Tip 2: Lots of people don't know how many bundles they should buy. It all depends on the length of the hair. The longer the hair, the more bundles you need. Because each hair bundle is 100g, and the hair is longer, it is heavier as well as the density of the bundles does get thinner. If you are getting inches between 8 to 16 or even 18 inches, you only need two to three bundles with closure, but if you're going above 18 inches, you will need about three or four bundles with closure. 

    Tip 3: When installing, if it gives you a headache or you feel your hair is getting pulled out, that's not a good thing. You need to tell your hairstylist to stop. You feel pain, so it means that either your braids are too tight or they sew your tracks in too tight, which will lead to tension and breakage of your hair. Tension alopecia, you haven't heard of that? That's the constant tension of hair on your scalp, and that is sometimes not even reversible. 

    Tip 4: Don't neglect your natural hair, which is significant. You need to protect your natural hair all the time. Wash your natural hair while it's installed as well as your weaves. You can wash your hair while it's installed, don't forget washing your natural hair, which can lead to your real hair becoming dry and breaking.

    Tip 5: Don't overuse heat on your natural hair or extensions because it will damage the hair and get bare. Especially your natural hair, they can not handle the heat, and it will cause even more breakage and more damage to your natural hair and weaves. It doesn't mean hardly use heat at all, but do not do it every day. Also, you can learn how to achieve heat-free styles on your hair to achieve different curl types. 

    Tip 6: Usually, human hair bundles with closure will give you the most natural look, but if you don't plan on wearing a closure. Make sure that the hair that you choose to install it's pretty similar to your natural hair. If you want to get a texture of hair that doesn't match your natural hair, then get closure. That's what closures are for. 

    Tip 7: Avoid using glue in weaves because it's not easy to take them down properly. For the most time, it will pull your hair out with it. That causes damage to your hair. If you want no hair, then go ahead.

    Tip 8: Wedon't recommend putting products on your weaves, except curly hair. You can put a little bit of conditioner in your wavy hair to moisture it, but with straight hair, it is not recommended to put the excessive product on it because that's only going to weigh your hair down and cause it to get dirty faster.

    Tip 9: Don't leave your installs in for more than two months. It can be so damaging while it has been installed for a long time. Your hair will start to become entangled in the thread and the webs of the track.

    Tip 10: Give your hair a break between installs. Even if your hair isn't braided tight or anything, it's still constant tension on your hair, then your hair is going to react negatively to that, and it can also lead to tension alopecia. So please let your hair breathe, wear it out a little bit.

    Tip 11: Last but not least, don't purchase bad-quality hair bundles to save your money. If you don't know where to buy high-quality human hair weaves or human hair bundles with closureMeetu Hair will be your ideal vendor. We have our own hair factory, so we are sure that all the weaves are made of virgin human hair at an affordable price.

    Now, there is back to school sale in Meetu Hair. Once you purchase hair from, you can enjoy a surprise discount.

What length of hair bundles with lace closure is perfect for purchasing?

     Hey, beauties. This is Meetu Hair. in today's blog, I have a highly requested topic. A lot of people want to know what length closure or frontal goes with what length bundles. We are trying to show you the different results with different lengths of bundles with closure and how to match the bundles with closure

    If you don't understand what closure is, we give you a breakdown. A closure is a hairpiece that works to close off your weaves, so it's named lace closure. Now the traditional size is the 4x4 lace closure and 5x5 lace closure. Some vendors have released 6x6 or 7x7 lace closure. But 4x4 lace closures are still in for people that don't like baby hair. Because the bigger the closure means that the more space that gives you for baby hair. Not everybody likes baby hair. Besides, less lace which is less work, a lot of people like less maintenance.

What length of hair bundles with lace closure is perfect for purchasing?
What length of hair bundles with lace closure is perfect for purchasing| Meetu Hair

About the length of bundles and closure

    When it comes to the length of closures, most vendors offer 10 to 20 inches. You can also find some vendors that offer 22 and 24 inches closures. However, you may find that hair wasn't as good as the people that just stuck to the traditional. It may have more shedding.

    As for human hair bundles, most companies supply 8 to 30 inches. Most people are purchasing 12 to 30 inches. So 12 to 30 inches are the normal lengths for bundles, and 10 to 20 inches is the stock size of closures. 

How to choose the right length for bundles with closure?

    Usually, we recommend you to get the same length closure as the shortest length bundle that you have. If you have 12, 14, 16 inches bundles, you would need a 12 inches closure. Because 12 inches is the shortest link you got, it will give you a flowing effect. If you want a layering effect, you can choose a closure that is two inches shorter than the shortest length bundle you have. For example, you have 12 14 16 inches bundles; you get a 10 inches closure instead of a 12 inches lace closure. Some people do it for it's a little cheaper, but most people get the same length as the shorter bundle.

    Now, some people will confuse. If I get three of the same length bundles with closure, such as three bundles 26 inches hair, what's the perfect closure length for me? As I said, there is typically 10 to 20 inches closure in the hair market. So 20 inches is enough. If you blend your hair correctly, you won't be able to see a big line of demarcation. It just follows together. It won't look bad, it looks good, because you know nobody's hair is the same length.

    Now, do you know how to match the length of bundles with closure? It doesn't matter if you don't. Since there are human hair bundles with closure sale in packs in Meetu Hair, you can get human hair two bundles with closure, human hair three bundles with closure, and if you want a more volume hairstyle, you can also get four bundles with closure. Meetu Hair offers a variety of lengths of human hair bundles with closure for you. The back to school sale is ongoing. You can enjoy huge discounts on all of our products, not only human hair bundles with closure but also human hair wigs. Visit to get more information.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation!

     Summer is here, will the holidays be far away? Have you picked out your human hair wigs for the vacation? Meetu Hair will talk about human hair wigs for summer vacation.

    Are you struggling with which hair texture to choose for the summer vacation? If you don't know which one to chose, we would recommend choosing water wave hair. Water wave hair is the perfect texture for the heat, vacations, and travel. 

Why water wave hair perfect for vacation?

    First of all, we will feel more uncomfortable wearing a wig in the summertime because the weather is too hot. Still, the water wave hair texture is very soft and breathable, so it would be much more comfortable to wear a water wave human hair lace wig in the hot summer times. 

    Also, water wave hair is perfect for the vacation on the good looks, the curls of water wave hair are tight and bouncy, and with high volume, a full hairstyle will make you more charming and stand out.  

    Every girl wants to stay beautiful while traveling. Water wave human hair is easy to maintain texture and easy to keep up with period. You don't need to pay too much attention to maintaining the water wave hair wigs on the trip, so you will have more time to enjoy your vacation.

    Water wave hair is also an easy styling hair texture. When we are on vacation, we do not have time to sit there for two hours to installing a wig and styling a wig. However, when you have this texture that's pretty much ready to go, it will not take you more than 30 minutes to install and styling this wig.

Some hot-selling types of water wave hair wigs

Water Wave Hair Short Bob Wig

The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation
The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation|Meetu Hair

   Short bob hairstyle is trendy in summer, and the water wave short bob wig will keep you cool during the hot summertime. 

Water Wave Hair Bundles With Closure 

The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation
The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation|Meetu Hair

    Most people would choose to purchase the water wave human hair bundles with closure. Meetu Hair offers affordable Brazilian water wave hair bundles and water wave hair bundles with closure. 

Water Wave Hair Headband Wig

The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation
The Best Water Wave Hair Wigs For Vacation|Meetu Hair

    The headband wig is perfect for lazy girls or wig beginners, and we can tie up a high ponytail with the Water Wave Hair Headband Wig. It will also make you feel nice and cool in a hot time. Meetu Hair supplies cheap water wave headband wigs made of 100% virgin Brazilian hair, and the hair body is full and with a healthy shine. 

Storage ideas for water wave hair wig on vacation

    We need to pack our human hair wig on the hair extension storage bags or some clear portable pouches. These are very convenient, and they will keep the dust off your wigs, and keep them smelling good, and it will just keep our wigs from drying out. 

Where to buy high-quality water wave hair?

    Buy high-quality virgin Brazilian water wave hair at We offer Brazilian water wave hair extensions at a low price. Water wave hair bundles, water wave hair bundles with closure, and headband wigs are available at Meetu Hair.  

How to Make Halloween Wig Look Natural?

      Halloween is the perfect chance to be creative and pick a brand-new do. A high-quality wig with natural looking can help you transitio...